Internet Marketing

17 Social Media Post Ideas

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Your goal is to convert social media followers into customers, but it’s easier said than done, right? The first step is to post engaging content to capture your followers’ attention.

My own rules of social media posting are pretty simple:

Rule #1: Never be boring.

Rule #2: Post regularly and make it interesting.

Rule #3: Try not to stress about Rules #1 and #2 and just enjoy the process. Because if you’re having fun, then odds are your followers are having fun, too.

Here are 17 ideas for your upcoming posts:

1: Share your latest blog post. They should be the first to know, because they can help you spread the word.

2: Poll your followers. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook all provide options for you to engage your followers with a poll. Or simply ask thought provoking or humorous questions, and remember to check back in and respond to the answers, too.

3: Show off your photos. We’re not talking about stock photos, but YOUR photos of yourself doing relevant or interesting things, the view from the coffee shop where you’re working on your next product, etc.

4: Tease followers with enticing details about your new product. Build hype for your next launch by letting your followers be the first to know what you’re offering next.

5: Use emojis. According to one survey, Facebook headlines with emojis generate 241% more clicks than those without.

6: Customer case studies. Show how your product or service is helping people on an individual basis.

7: Videos. Social media videos generate more than 1,200% more shares than images and text combined. Whoa.

8: Share old blog posts. You can bring new life to old content if it’s still relevant.

9: User generated content. Find posts of people using your products and share them to build trust.

10: Infographics. These visual aids can help cement your stories, products and services into the memory of your prospects, as well as helping to persuade them to buy.

11: Inspirational quotes. Don’t just grab any quote. Find something relevant to what’s happening now, or a quote that uses humor to get the message across.

12: Giveaways and contests. Use a contest to encourage user-generated content. This content will be exposed to many people, which is always a good thing for you.

13: “How to” posts. Share a demo video on how to do something in your niche, such as sharing a step-by-step process to get a specific result.

14: Review and testimonials. These add credibility to you and your products.

15: Curated content. Share the content of others in your niche.

16: Industry news. News articles get more share than any other type of article, so why not have it come from you?

17: Tips and advice. A quick tip or tidbit can be highly valuable and it makes you look generous for sharing the advice.

This list is by no means comprehensive, yet it should keep you quite busy building and engaging your audience on social media.

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