Here’s a Quick Coaching Quiz for You

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As an online marketing coach, which do you think would be easier:

A: Taking someone who is earning $1000 a month and showing them how to earn $10,000 a month

B: Taking someone who is earning nothing online and showing them how to earn $500 a month

As you’ve probably guessed, the answer is “B”.

But why is that true?

Because someone who is already earning $1000 a month likely has systems in place to earn money. They have a squeeze page and maybe a website, they have one or more products to promote and they have a means of driving traffic and a list they can contact.

Most of all, they KNOW that $10,000 a month is an attainable goal because they’re already earning $1000 a month.

They believe it can be done.

But the person who is currently earning nothing likely has no online marketing infrastructure in place. They probably don’t have a list or an audience and they might feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do and how to do it.

More importantly, they’re not entirely convinced online marketing is even REAL – at least not for them.

They don’t yet believe they can do it.

They want to believe, but their doubts are so great that it’s easier for them to think online marketing works only for other people and never for them.

If you take someone who is earning $1000 and show them how to earn $10,000, they will be happy.

But if you take this person who is earning nothing and show them how to make $500 a month, they will think you are a SUPER STAR and they will love you for it.

And if by chance you are not yet earning anything online yourself, then let me ask you this:

Do YOU believe you can earn a full-time income online? Because if you have doubts, it will be that much more difficult for you to find success.

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