The Power of Catchphrases in Marketing: How to Create, Test, and Succeed with Memorable Taglines

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For my U.S. readers, how many of these catchphrases can you identify? (Answers are at the end.)

  1. “Have It Your Way”
  2. “The Ultimate Driving Machine”
  3. “Because You’re Worth It”
  4. “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One”
  5. “Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands”
  6. “Think Outside the Bun”
  7. “What Happens Here, Stays Here”
  8. “The Happiest Place on Earth”

In the world of marketing, a good catchphrase is like gold. Well-crafted catchphrases stick in the minds of your customers, driving brand awareness and evoking strong emotions.

As online marketers, we tend to think of catchphrases as something the big companies do. After all, if you create online courses, you don’t need a catchphrase, right?

Maybe not, but if a catchphrase can make your customers remember you, if it can help you make more sales, if it can make your videos and content go viral, then why wouldn’t you want to use one?

Maybe because it’s not easy to come up with a catchphrase that communicates your product’s value while being memorable and catchy, too. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, a well crafted catchphrase can only help you to grab attention and make sales.

What Makes a Catchphrase Effective?

A great catchphrase is more than just a collection of words; it’s an idea that resonates with your audience and conveys your brand’s core message in a way that’s easy to remember.

When done right, catchphrases have the potential to make your brand a well-known name in your niche.

Here are a few characteristics of effective catchphrases:

  1. Simplicity: The best catchphrases are short and easy to understand. They roll off the tongue and can be recalled instantly. “It Keeps Going and Going and Going” – Energizer
  2. Emotional Appeal: A catchphrase that strikes an emotional chord with the audience will be far more impactful than one that simply describes a product. “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There” – State Farm
  3. Uniqueness: Your catchphrase should stand out from the crowd and differentiate your brand. “Tastes So Good, Cats Ask for It by Name” – Meow Mix
  4. Memorability: Rhyming, alliteration, and wordplay can help make your catchphrase stick. “The Quicker Picker Upper” – Bounty
  5. Alignment with Brand Values: Your catchphrase needs to reflect your brand’s identity and message authentically. “The Few. The Proud. The Marines.” – U.S. Marine Corps

Successful Marketing Catchphrases

Let’s look at some real-life examples of highly effective marketing catchphrases:

  1. Nike: “Just Do It” – Perhaps the most iconic catchphrase in marketing history, “Just Do It” taps into consumers’ desires to push boundaries and achieve their goals. It’s simple, empowering, and perfectly aligns with Nike’s ethos.
  2. McDonald’s: “I’m Lovin’ It” – McDonald’s catchphrase is upbeat and memorable. It’s more about the experience and enjoyment of eating at McDonald’s than the food itself.
  3. Apple: “Think Different” – Apple’s catchphrase doesn’t focus on the product, but rather encourages consumers to see themselves as innovative and bold—an image Apple is eager to align with.
  4. De Beers: “A Diamond Is Forever” – This phrase doesn’t just promote diamonds, it cements the idea of diamonds as symbols of eternal love, which has had a huge cultural impact.

Steps to Create Your Own Winning Catchphrase

Now that we’ve seen some of the best, here’s how to go about creating your own catchphrase.

  1. Understand Your Brand’s Core Message

Before you even think about wording, you need to fully understand what your brand represents.

Are you promoting luxury or affordability? Quality or speed?

Write down your key messages, target audience, and unique selling propositions.

  1. Know Your Audience

Who are you speaking to? What values and emotions resonate with your target audience?

The catchphrase should reflect their needs, desires, or aspirations. For example, Nike’s “Just Do It” targets athletes who want to push past limits.

  1. Brainstorm Ideas

With your brand message and audience in mind, start brainstorming potential catchphrases. Don’t worry about being perfect in this stage—throw out as many ideas as possible.

Use alliteration, rhymes, and short, punchy phrases. Look at what competitors are using and make sure you stand out.

  1. Test for Simplicity and Memorability

Once you have a few options, test them for clarity. Read them aloud. Is it easy to say? Does it stick in your mind after just a few seconds?

Use friends or colleagues as test subjects—if they forget your phrase after a few minutes, it’s time to simplify.

  1. Make Sure It’s Unique

Before finalizing your catchphrase, do a thorough check to ensure it’s original.

A catchphrase too similar to another brand’s can dilute its impact and cause confusion. And it might also garner a cease and desist letter.

  1. Test With Your Audience

Create A/B tests using your catchphrases in social media posts, email campaigns, or ads.

Monitor engagement, clicks, and conversion rates to see which catchphrase resonates best.

Testing and Tweaking Your Catchphrase

Catchphrases are meant to evolve. What resonates today may not hit the same way a few years down the road, and market conditions change.

After launching your catchphrase, pay attention to metrics such as brand awareness, engagement, and consumer feedback.

Don’t be afraid to tweak your catchphrase if it isn’t performing as expected.

5 Additional Catchphrase Tips

Here are some more unconventional tips for crafting your catchphrase:

  1. Leverage Cultural References

If you can tie your catchphrase to current pop culture references or trends, it can help you immediately resonate with your audience. Just be cautious not to date your phrase too quickly.

  1. Inject a Little Humor

Humor, when done right, can make your catchphrase not just memorable but likable. Look at Old Spice’s quirky “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign—it was both hilarious and effective.

  1. Emphasize a Benefit

Make your catchphrase focus on the benefit your customer will experience. Maybelline’s “Maybe She’s Born With It” implies effortless beauty, which is exactly what customers are after.

  1. Use the Power of Repetition

Repetition in your catchphrase can make it stick in the customer’s brain. Think of Subway’s “Eat Fresh”—simple and repetitive, which increases recall.

  1. Avoid Overused Buzzwords

Phrases like “cutting-edge,” “revolutionary,” and “synergy” are not only overused but also boring. Instead, focus on real benefits, emotions, or unique qualities to create something fresh.

Bottom Line

Creating a memorable, impactful catchphrase is both an art and a science. It requires understanding your brand’s core message, knowing your audience, and testing your ideas to see what sticks.

With time and testing, your catchphrase can become the center of your brand’s identity, helping you stand out in a crowded market and connect with your customers on a deeper level.

Take inspiration from some of the most iconic catchphrases and start crafting yours with these steps and tips in mind.

Done right, your catchphrase will not just define your brand but also become an essential tool in driving long-term success.


  1. Burger King
  2. BMW
  3. L’Oréal
  4. Lay’s
  5. M&M’s
  6. Taco Bell
  7. Las Vegas Tourism
  8. Disneyland