When we were kids some of us had a Magic Eight Ball. Ask the ball a question, shake it up, flip it over and see the answer. If the answer was positive, it might say any of these following…
Author: Jim Donnelly
How to Legally Steal Your Business
Okay I know this is going to send a burr up some people’s pants but please stay calm and we’ll get through this just fine.
In school it is drilled into hour heads that WE.MUST.NOT.COPY. Ever.
Add This Paragraph to Earn $397 extra Per Month
Would you believe that 15 minutes of work can earn you an extra $397 or $794 per month?
There is a catch: You must already be selling something to do this.
The IM Guru’s Secret to Making Sales and Losing Customers
“Oh yah, everybody loves to pick on the guru’s, right?”
Maybe. But then again perhaps there’s a reason why.
This Pricing Trick Doubled Sales
Some years back I did a test run on a new software I was selling. I wanted to price it at $49, but it didn’t sell well at all during the test.
I knew the software was awesome and did exactly what it needed to do. Furthermore, I knew this was something marketers needed at the time to increase their own sales.