Double Your Conversions with this Hidden Sales Letter

If you’ve read enough spy stories, you’ve seen how messages can be hidden within messages. Maybe every 14th word on the page spells out the location of buried treasure, or the first letter on every page spells the time and date when they break out of prison, or…
You get the idea.


How to Keep Your Copywriting Skills Fresh

Sometimes the world does give me a little nudge

Like the time I was introduced to a small group of young copywriters at a conference. They were polite and pleasant enough.


How to Drastically Increase Your Sales Page Conversions

The best copywriters in the world do this, although you may never hear about it.
It’s so simple, really, and yet powerful. And once you start doing it, you’ll likely see your sales go up in a really big way.


The Secret Copywriters NEVER Tell You

It’s all about fancy copywriting and Jedi mind tricks to make the sale with your copy, right?
After all, that’s what most copywriters will tell you.