You Can Overcome Your Prospects’ Fears By Doing These Four Proven Things! A majority of people are simply afraid to make a decision to order your product. They may really want and need it, but something inside of them tells them
Category: Copywriting
10 Ways To Upsell Every Order
As you know it can be very expensive to attract new customers into an online business. And in any case even if you aren’t spending money on ‘paid advertising’ and simply just receiving traffic (via organic search engine rankings), you’d still
108 Of The Most Persuasive Words In The English Language you Will Want To Ensure You Use In Sales Copy
According to legendary advertising man, Leo Burnet, “Dull and over exaggerated ad copy is due to the excess use of adjectives.” To prove it, he asked his staff to compare the number of adjectives in the 62 ads that had
Handy Sales Letter Checklist
Have this handy little checklist to hand the next time you are writing or proof reading a sales letter. make sure you have checked off all the pointers on the list. A checklist of copywriting elecments you should always include. .
How To Write The Best PS For Any Sales Letter Or Website You Publish
Postscripts (the PS at the end of the letter) can increase sales by 30%! Yes it’s true. Christian Godefroy, one of Europe’s most successful direct marketers, never used a P.S. on any of his letters for the first 5 years he was