4 Keys to Getting Started With an Online Business

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Have you ever wondered why some people never get their businesses off the ground? You see them on marketing forums for years, yet they’re not making any money. They’re spinning their wheels. They’re completely overwhelmed by all the available information on the market… so they end up not taking any action at all.

It’s a common affliction but it doesn’t have to happen to you. Avoid spinning your wheels by follow these four keys to starting a business.

1. Choose One Business Model

One of the first decisions you need to make is which business model you’ll use to pave your path to success. These include models such as affiliate marketing, making and selling your own information products, drop-shipping products on eBay and similar models.

So, which one should you choose?

Truthfully, it doesn’t matter. If you’re selecting from a list of proven business models like those listed above (and not some unproven “fad”), then any of them will make money for you. As such, the one you choose depends on your likes, dislikes and your ability to do the required work.

Example: Making and selling your own products is a great model and usually considered one of the most profitable models. However, if you hate doing things like creating products or dealing with customer service issues, then you might not enjoy this model and thus it won’t be profitable for you personally.

Point is, choose a model that’s a good fit for you. And once you’ve made your choice, move to the next step.

2. Select One Training Course

Just as there are many models to choose from, there are also many gurus and training courses that can teach you about the model. Again, make a list of proven courses and teachers and then select just one. It should be more than enough to get you on the path to success.

Tip: Yes: Later on, you can purchase additional materials to take your business to the next level. But for now, stick with one course.

3. Take Action

Now you have a model and you have the training you need to use this model to make money. Your next step is to take action on what you just learned.

You might feel overwhelmed when you consider all the work you need to do.

Here’s a tip: Stop thinking of it as a big project, and instead break it down into easily manageable steps. So instead of thinking, “I need to build a website”, instead break this task down into little steps such as choosing a domain name, buying hosting, installing a WordPress blog and so on.

4. Stick With It Until You See Results

One of the reasons many people fail is because they don’t stick with their model or training long enough to see results. They see something else bright and shiny, and they abruptly move in a new direction.

Example: The person might set up a blog, make a dozen posts and then write ten articles to promote the blog. But before the blog makes even one sale, the marketer decides to drop the blog and try domain name flipping instead. End result: He chases every new idea and never makes a dime from any of them.

You can avoid this simply by committing to stick with ONE thing until you see results.

Example: If you decide to become an affiliate marketer, then follow your training guide’s instructions exactly, and stick with it until you see results. No matter how alluring other models or new products on the market are to you, just keep your eye on your goal.

Tip: Set mini milestones and goals for yourself, such as getting so many visitors or so many subscribers. That way you’ll see some measurable results early on, which keeps you motivated and focused.


The keys to starting a successful business include choosing one model, choosing one training guide, taking action and staying focused. And here’s one final key: Start now, because there will never be a better time!

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