6 Beginner Friendly Ways to Make Money Online

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Not all online business strategies are created equal.

There, I said it!

If you’re already making money online or if you want to do so, reading this may be harsh. But once you take a quick look at these six time-tested and beginner friendly ways to make money online, you’ll understand what I mean.

Let’s take a look at them:


  1. Sell Photos Online

Maybe you’ve never thought about taking photos and selling them online; but it is a full-time business for many ordinary people (without extraordinary photography skills) all around the world.

Simply put: Many web projects require stock photos of all kinds to put on their salesletters, blog posts and other websites.

And there’s no reason for you to not to be the provider of these photos!

You may even have some photos in your hard drive like beautiful landscapes, animals, everyday objects or people.

Note: If you’re planning to sell photos of people (as models), you need to be extra careful. There are a few possible legal pitfalls and you need to do your due diligence to avoid them.


  1. Make Money on eBay®

Do you have any unwanted or unused items that are just taking up space in your house?

Many people do… and what you don’t need or want at the moment may be appealing to others.

Example: Your old school-books, childrens’ toys, CDs/DVDs or collectibles.

If you have such items that you’d like to turn into cash – without even going out of your house – eBay.com should be your first source.

Tip: Once you get a feel of how things work at eBay® and/or you start to run out of old items, you’ll start buying items for cheap and sell them for profit in return.


  1. Earn Your Life as a Blogger

Different people have different feelings about blogging.

Apparently, some bloggers do it just for fun. Some lucky ones enjoy the fame, while some others actually make a living.

While only a small percent of bloggers manage to run a blog as a full-time business; this strategy makes into this list because when you know the right approach and action-steps to take; it is one of the rare ways to make money online from your home – with minimum skills and funds.


  1. Make a Living as a Freelance Writer

Do you know your way with the words?

Then you’re only a few steps away from making a living as a freelance writer.

It’s no surprise if you’ve never considered yourself as a professional writer; but by just starting to figuring out what your current hobbies and strengths are, you’ll have an online writing business in no time.

Note: As with most businesses, some extra skills like knowing how to get payments and how to deal with clients will help you to jumpstart. You’ll learn these skills as you go along or you’ll get guidance from people who already know what works and what doesn’t.


  1. Profit as an Affiliate

One of the best ways to make money online does NOT involve you creating a product or providing a service:

Affiliate Marketing.

It’s the quick, profitable and hassle-free way to jumpstart your online business.

In short: You market other peoples’ physical or digital products/services and pocket the commissions.

Tip: As simple as it is, knowing the best-practices of affiliate marketing will give you an unfair advantage over others.


  1. Make a Fortune Writing Small Reports

When it comes to writing, writing for others is not your only option.

If the idea of selling your own info-products (either digital or physical) intrigues you; then you’ll simply start running an online business by writing 7-15 page small reports.

Yes, it is that simple!

You don’t need to be a published author before or write hundreds-page long master pieces. All you need is a small report and guidance on how to market it.



You’ve just discovered six different ways to make money online! And I saved the best part for last:

All six strategies are;

  • Time-tested and proven to work.
  • Easy to start with minimal upfront costs.
  • Doesn’t require any prior knowledge.




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