Internet Marketing

The Best Headline Formulas to Evoke Curiosity

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The X Best Ways to Get _______ Without _______

The 10 Best Ways to Get Ripped Without a Gym Membership

The 5 Best Ways to Increase Conversions Without Testing


You’re Running Out of _______! Here’s How to Fix It

You’re Running Out of Time! Here’s How to Avoid Missing Out

You’re Running Out of Energy! Here’s How to Feel Better Fast


We Need to Talk About _______. It’s a _______.

We Need to Talk About AI. It’s a Game Changer.

We Need to Talk About Your Business. It’s about to Double.


X of the _______ _______ You’ll Find Today

10 of the Weirdest Marketing Posts You’ll Read Today

X of the Most Dangerous Foods You’ll Find in Your Cupboard Today


What Never to _______

What Never to Eat on an Airplane

What Never to Say to an Angry Girlfriend


Try _______ And Get _______

Try This Technique and Get Lucky Tonight

Try Pole Dancing for Seniors and Look 30 Again (Ha! I crack myself up)


_______ Vs _______: Which Is _______?

Running Versus Cross-Training: Which Is Better?

Dog Versus Cat: Which Is the Best Pet?


Are You Still Doing _______? You Might Regret It

Are You Still Driving a 10-Year-Old Car? You Might Regret It

Are You Still in an Unhappy Marriage? You Will Regret It


Here’s What You Don’t Know About _______ That Could _______

Here’s What You Don’t Know About Electric Cars That Could Bust Your Budget

Here’s What You Don’t Know About SEO That Could Harm Your Business


I think you’ve got the idea, so for the rest of these I won’t use examples:

How To [Accomplish Something] In [Short Amount of Time]

How To [Receive Benefit] Without [Undesired Expenditure]

How To [Accomplish/Benefit] In [Short Time Period] Without [Expenditure]

The Unbelievably Easy Way To [Accomplish Something]

The Guaranteed Method For Avoiding [Common Mistake]

10 Things [Something Interesting] Says About You

10 Little-Known Ways To [Accomplish Something]

How To [Accomplish Something] Like [Famous Example]

The Scientifically Proven Formula For [Accomplishing Something]

Is [Something Most People Do] Causing [Something Bad]?

What (Group or Celebrity) Can Teach You About (Industry)

9 Out of 10 (Group Members) Can’t/Don’t (achieve a certain goal). Are You One of Them?

Make Your First ($) Sale in Just (X) Hours (Watch Below to See How!)

Are You Still Wasting Money on (Relevant Noun) Without Anything to Show for It?

People Regularly Pay Me ($) for This Information – But You Can Have it FREE:

How to Make ($) With Your Computer, Step-by-Step.

How to Permanently Stop Your (undesired action), Even if You’ve Tried Everything!

Is (Subject) a Scam? Find Out If You’re Putting Your (asset) at Risk

How Your (trusted institution or professional) is Ripping You Off – And What to Do About It Right Now.

Recently Downsized/Fired (Profession) Reveals the Dirty Little Secrets to (getting result).

3 Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your (something important to reader).

7 Lies About (Product or Service): Believe Them At Your Own Risk

(Well Known Expert or Celebrity) Her Shocking Struggle With (Problem)

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