How do you get a casual reader of your blog to make a purchase?
Really, it’s all about giving them plenty of opportunities and encouragement.
Your Guide To Start Making Money Online
5 Ways to Sizzle Your Listicles for Massive Views
A listicle is an article in list form such as, “Ten Best Crockpots,” and most of them are too boring to remember.
In fact, I’ll admit here and now that I’ve written some pretty mundane, run of the mill type listicles, too.
Lil Nas X Case Study: From Couch to Breaking Mariah Carey’s Record in Just 5 Months
Have you heard of Lil Nas X?
This rapper went from broke to selling out concerts seemingly overnight.
Case Study – $200,000 First Year Digital Marketing Agency
No real names allowed (we’ll call him Gary) and I’m not allowed to tell you his niche, but I can reveal pretty much everything else.
As you know a digital marketing agency is simply a business that works for other businesses, performing one or more needed services.
How to Get More Word of Mouth Marketing
Frank was just unlocking the door to his shop when he heard the phone ringing. Grabbing it off the cradle while he laid down his things, he answered with his customary, “Good morning, Frank here, how can I help you?”
“Hi Frank, this is Gloria. I was talking to a mutual acquaintance this weekend, and she recommended I hire you for our next big job. When can you send the contracts over?”