Internet marketing

Case Study: Hot New/Old YouTube Niche Creates Fortunes

How would you like to build a YouTube channel that is totally faceless (no one will ever see you) using content that is 100% in the public domain, videos that are drop dead easy to make and in a niche that is thriving right now?

How to Charge $500 for a few Bits of Plastic

When I receive orders in the mail as well as magazines wrapped in plastic, there’s always some sort of advertisements inside.
You know the ones: They’re colorful and offer something that just looks peachy keen wonderful but you really don’t need it.

Internet Marketing

5 Passive Income Streams You Can Start Today

I was going to make this sound simpler than it is and say something like, “Just choose one of these 5, get started and start making money!”
But you and I both know that any substantial passive income stream is going to take some time and a good deal of effort to build.

Internet Marketing

Mindset Case Study: From $1 a Day to $100,000 a Month

I knew a guy who started one business after another only to have them fail. This guy wasn’t stupid, either. In fact, he was probably smarter than 95% of people, but there was one thing he had all wrong: His mindset.