Internet Marketing

World’s Most Dangerous…. Plant??

There is a shrub that can grow 115 feet tall and touching this plant just once can cause you enough pain to make you consider taking your own life.
That’s the stuff of late night scary “B” movies, right?

Internet Marketing

How to Transform Your Blog into a Sales Machine

Most business blogs are terrible. They’re used for things like announcements and fluffy content that does nothing to capture leads and make sales.
And if all you want is a place to jot down your thoughts, then skip this article.

Internet Marketing

10 Tactics to Trash Your Trolls

Have you ever seen a professional comedian shut down a heckler? It’s a lovely sight to see. The heckler, who has probably been drinking, has no clue what he’s up against. This is a professional who has spent hundreds of hours on stage dealing with live, drunken audiences. You know that heckler is going to be annihilated the moment they are dumb enough to open their mouths.

Internet Marketing

How to Use Your Critics for Immense Gain

You got fired by your dumb-bag boss.
You got flamed by a social media troll.
You got a lousy review from some know-it-all pretender who couldn’t find her own butt with her hands, much less do what you do.