Here’s a list of businesses that are doing exceptionally well during this pandemic:
Nearly anything and everything healthcare related
Author: Jim Donnelly
Pandemic Positive Reality Check
In the midst of all the dire news, perhaps it’s time for a positive reality check
How to Double Your Course Sign-ups
This will work for most any information product that you deliver over time.
For example, if you’re having a course with weekly classes, a training program in which you release one video every so often, or anything that is not released all at once, here is how to double your sign-ups.
Don’t Make This Sales Video Mistake
I received an email the other day from a well-known marketer, inviting me to learn more about his new service. It sounded promising, so I clicked the link.
Let Your Paid Members ‘Steal’ to Increase Your Revenue
Okay, to be fair your paid members aren’t truly ‘stealing’, even though it might feel that way to you.