In our lives and businesses, we wrap many things in suits of armour, in our lives it might be our hearts or our fears, in our businesses it could be our products or our strategy, our personnel or partners, the things we are afraid to lose or that we fear could damage our livelihoods if effected negatively.
Author: Jim Donnelly
Two Simple Words that Increase Product Sales by 20%
Do you sell a tangible product?
5 Ways to Boost Your Brand on YouTube
YouTube is not just the largest video sharing platform – it’s also a social network.
5 Ways to Get More Facebook Page Likes
Post regularly — post every day, or at least close to it.
Does This Product Launch Infographic Scare You?
I debated sharing this infographic with you because it looks kind of SCARY! When you first pull it up, it’s one looooong skinny thing in the middle of your screen because it’s incredibly detailed (and yes, intimidating, too.)