Internet Marketing

Amazon May Ban You for Factors Beyond Your Control

Selling on Amazon can almost seem too good to be true. You source a product, list it on Amazon and start making sales.
Except… Amazon is in control of your business – not you. And Amazon can ban you anytime it likes for whatever reason it chooses, and there’s not a lot you can do about it.

Internet Marketing

Roach Coach Marketing 101

Gary Halbert once said at a seminar, “If I offer to set you up in the fast food business with a hamburger joint, and you can have any one special advantage you want, what will it be? A clown? Special sauce? Great burgers? A big ad budget?”

Instant Start Ups

Weird but True Refund Trick

If you sell supplements, place a label on each bottle that says, “Please refrigerate.” Tests show that people are less likely to refund on the supplements if you add this label.

Internet Marketing

Living a Life of Significance

Living a life of significance is the foundation to a successful thriving business.
It’s all about deepening your compassion and ability to understand others.
Let’s say that two entrepreneurs start businesses on the same day in the same industry. One entrepreneur is out to make a good profit and sell his business in 10 to 20 years so he can retire on the beach.

Growing Your Business

4 Magic Networking Words

You’re at a networking event and you don’t know what to do, who to talk to or what to say.
Nerve wracking, isn’t it?
You could walk around asking, “So, what do you do?” Guess what – everyone is asking that, and everyone else is tired of answering the question.