10 marketing rules

10 Marketing Rules it Took Me 10 Years to Learn

I share these with you so that you don’t have to discover them the hard way like I did. 1: Sell it First, Build it Second New and old marketers alike waste time and energy building products that no one

person displaying marketing rule of 1

Do You Know the Marketing Rule of ONE?

Three words describe this rule of one: Simple, Mighty and Effective. Simple because it actually makes your marketing much easier, rather than harder. Mighty because this one small change produces massive results. And effective because when applied correctly, the conversions

The Email that Creates $1,000 Buyers

I just received an email from someone who does webinars and it reads something like this… Subject Line: A bribe inside for <name> All you have to do <name> is reply back and you’re eligible to get $100 for your