This is an old fable, but I’ve always loved it.
The Wind boasted of great strength. The Sun argued that there was great power in gentleness. “We shall have a contest” said the Sun.
Far below, a man travelled a winding road. He was wearing a warm winter coat.
Author: Jim Donnelly
Free Traffic Methods that Work For Brand New Websites
SEO is terrific… if you have an established site.
Email marketing is fantastic… if you’ve already built a list.
Paid advertising is awesome… if you’ve tested and optimized your funnel and you have an ad budget.
But what if your website is BRAND NEW?
5 Ways to Turn Blog Readers into Paying Customers
How do you get a casual reader of your blog to make a purchase?
Really, it’s all about giving them plenty of opportunities and encouragement.
5 Ways to Sizzle Your Listicles for Massive Views
A listicle is an article in list form such as, “Ten Best Crockpots,” and most of them are too boring to remember.
In fact, I’ll admit here and now that I’ve written some pretty mundane, run of the mill type listicles, too.
Lil Nas X Case Study: From Couch to Breaking Mariah Carey’s Record in Just 5 Months
Have you heard of Lil Nas X?
This rapper went from broke to selling out concerts seemingly overnight.