Adwords: How to Greatly Lower Your Cost Per Click

Just as your credit score is important in getting a loan, your Quality Score has huge influence over the cost and effectiveness of your paid search campaigns. So what is Quality Score? It’s Google’s rating of the quality and relevance

DeBeers — Con Artists, or Marketing Geniuses?

Lessons from the most successful marketing campaign in history Finish this sentence for me: “Diamonds are ______” If you answered “forever”,- then you’ve seen DeBeers’ diamond advertising. But if you know what really goes on in the diamond industry, then

How Your List Can Be Like a Vending Machine That Collects Cash

You’ve no doubt encountered countless vending machines over your life, so you know how it works. Basically, the person who owns this vending machine puts something into the machine like candy, chips, soda, toys or other goodies. Then the vendor