What Trashy Women’s Magazines Teach Us About List Building

In the world of digital marketing, building an email list remains one of the most effective ways to convert interested prospects into paying customers. Once someone is on your email list, you can build rapport with them, demonstrate your credibility

Increasing Email Click-Through Rates with Personalization

One of the best ways to boost click-through rates (CTR) in your email campaigns is through personalization. When you personalize your emails, they resonate more with recipients, making them more likely to engage with your content and click on your

Case Study: $22,500 in 48 Hours with His First Newsletter

From 2006 to 2012, Evan Kelly ran his own business as a relationship coach. In the beginning, finding clients was difficult. But through trial, error and some good advice, he devised a 3 step sales funnel that kept him booked

Crafting the Tiny Curated Newsletter that Packs a Punch

Remember the days of drowning in an endless digital ocean? News articles swirling like flotsam, social media a maelstrom of opinions, and your inbox looking like an uncharted abyss. Then, like a lighthouse piercing the fog, a little email arrives.