You are the one who will make or break your finances. You are the one who runs your world. You are the one steering your ship – no one else.
We don’t know how long this will last, but it’s an almost sure bet that you have at least 60 days to focus and achieve at least one BIG thing. This could be to add significantly to your bottom line, to produce a hot selling product with a massive launch, to learn a new skill that will pay off in a big way… whatever you want to do, you now have about 2 months to totally focus on it and get it done.
Category: Growing Your Business
Your Enemy’s Enemy is Your Customer
I’m on Vanity Fair’s email list. They send out updates with all their latest posts on politics and the world in general.
Today as I was scrolling through the email, I noticed something interesting at the bottom.
5 Ways to Boost Your Brand on YouTube
YouTube is not just the largest video sharing platform – it’s also a social network.
5 Ways to Get More Facebook Page Likes
Post regularly — post every day, or at least close to it.
Do You Know the 7 Web Conversion Goals?
I’m sure you know the first one on this list, but sometimes we lose sight that there is more we can be doing with our visitors than just selling them products.