Infomation Publishing

Why You Should Offer Your Customers Real Books

Sure, you offer courses and ebooks. But do you remember those divine devices filled with printed paper and cool looking covers? People still read real books, and it’s a good thing, too.

Information Publishing

How to Create GREAT Products FAST

There is a secret ingredient found in every great product that is lacking in every poor product.
And no, it’s not great information that is super helpful to the user.
Yes, it’s awesome to give great info, but anyone – ANYONE – can do a Google search and likely get the same great info if they simply look long enough.

Information Publishing

How to Sell Facebook Content and Scheduling for $200/month

You’re already familiar with social media management – actively posting and monitoring your client’s social media. You’ve got to not only make and schedule posts, but you’ve also got to answer everyone who reaches out via social media.
But there is a similar service you can offer that is far less time intensive, and that’s creating and scheduling content for businesses.

Information Publishing

Case Study: How to Get Paid BEFORE You Publish Your Book

How would you like to make money, gain new affiliates and a ton of new customers, and in the process brand yourself as an expert and have your own book, too?
You already know that one of the very best ways to brand yourself as an expert in your niche – no matter what your niche might be – is to write your own book.

Infomation Publishing

Nothing is Neutral on Social Media

To grow your social media following, it’s vital that you post content consistently.
You might test to find how often you should post for your audience, and also monitor competitors to see how often they post and how well it’s working for them.