Internet Marketing

Goal Setting that Actually WORKS

By now I’m sure you’ve learned in life that having a goal isn’t enough. You set a goal, you get all excited, you feel like you’ve already accomplished something, and a week, a month or a year later, you are no closer to the goal than you were before.
What happened?


Sell the Ideal and People will Buy

Have you noticed that a rather large percentage of your customers don’t actually USE your products?
You’re selling a viable product that guides your customers to a specific outcome, such as making money or losing weight.
And some of your customer buy just about every product you produce. But… they don’t use your products…

Internet Marketing

Can You Do It?

Robert Kiyosaki says, “A statement closes the mind, a question opens the mind.”
Statements such as…
“I can’t afford it. I can’t do it. I don’t know how to do it.”
…will close your mind and keep you exactly where you are.