Internet Marketing

Extra Facebook Cash

Do you have a family member who wants to make some extra cash each month without starting an online business? Tell them to check out these opportunities on Facebook

Internet Marketing

Who Are You Wearing Today?

Okay, this doesn’t have a lot to do with internet marketing, and yet it’s got EVERYTHING to do with becoming whatever it is that you want to be…
…including a million dollar a year marketer.

Internet Marketing

Selling Your Soul for $10

I want to talk about a ‘touchy’ subject right now.
My aim isn’t to offend anyone, and I hope I don’t. But I do feel I need to go where others fear to tread, you might say, in the hopes of helping you skirt some problems that I see in our industry.

Internet Marketing

How School Ruins Your Business

Whether you spent 12 or 16 years or more in school, I’d like to make a radical suggestion:
Forget your schooling.
Frankly, I wanted to use a different “F” word than “Forget.”
Here’s why: