Internet Marketing

Who Are You Wearing Today?

Okay, this doesn’t have a lot to do with internet marketing, and yet it’s got EVERYTHING to do with becoming whatever it is that you want to be…
…including a million dollar a year marketer.

Internet Marketing

Selling Your Soul for $10

I want to talk about a ‘touchy’ subject right now.
My aim isn’t to offend anyone, and I hope I don’t. But I do feel I need to go where others fear to tread, you might say, in the hopes of helping you skirt some problems that I see in our industry.

Internet Marketing

How School Ruins Your Business

Whether you spent 12 or 16 years or more in school, I’d like to make a radical suggestion:
Forget your schooling.
Frankly, I wanted to use a different “F” word than “Forget.”
Here’s why:

Internet Marketing

Note from Your Future Self

Hey, it’s me.
I just wanted to tell you something important – something you need to know right now.
You’re at a crossroads right now, and I’ve seen where both paths go.