Internet Marketing

More Tips for Creating Curiosity in Your Marketing

Become a storyteller. Stories connect with people, and the best stories arouse curiosity in the listener.
Remember that people want to connect the dots and when they can’t, their curiosity is powerful enough to motivate them to take the next step, whether that’s opening an email, going to a link or reading further.

Internet Marketing

Subject Lines That Inspire Curiosity

No where else is it more important to inspire curiosity than in your subject lines. If people aren’t curious, they won’t open the email, read your message and click your link. It all begins with creating curiosity in those very few words they see in their inbox.

Internet Marketing

Case Study – $7000/mo Giving Free Consultations

Can you give away something for free and then make $7000 a month without selling anything?
Sounds crazy, I know.
But that’s exactly what this guy is doing, and here’s how it all started.