Sales Copy Tip that Breaks a Golden Rule

If you’ve ever taken a course in writing sales copy, you know that you never, ever reveal the price until you’ve first justified the price.
You’ve got to build value, make the prospect want your product, and drive them into a frenzy of desire. Then you’ve got to show that your product is worth a lot, and I mean a LOT.
Then and only then can you finally reveal the price.

The Ghost Town that Fell into the Sea

Or… how to ruin your business by ignoring the facts.
Once upon a time in Oregon, USA, there was a town called Bayocean that was located right next to the Pacific Ocean.

Robin Williams

In the beginning of his career the comedian Robin Williams couldn’t hang on to money and he made lousy business decisions. In fact, he didn’t want to be bothered with the business end of anything. He didn’t even want to hear contract details, didn’t know how to publicize himself and despite growing fame he still took every job that came his way – even birthday parties.