Pat flynn

Million Dollar Passive Income: Pat Flynn

If you’re in online marketing, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Pat Flynn. He’s the founder of Smart Passive Income, a website that helps people create and grow online businesses. Pat’s income is in the seven-figure range per year.

dog looking at a computer screen

What If Dogs Taught Online Marketing?

This one is for all the dog lovers out there who are building online businesses. I’ve often wondered what my dog might think of what I do all day on my computer, and what advice she might have for me

pen and paper with check boxes

20 Free Tools for Surveys and Quizzes

Surveys and quizzes can be effective marketing tools for several reasons, including: They can help you understand your target audience: Surveys and quizzes can provide valuable insights into your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and needs. This information can help you

Internet Marketing

The ‘Secret’ to Passive Income You May Have Missed

The dream is to sit on the beach while the money rolls into your bank accounts.
You no longer have a job or even need a job. The days of crappy bosses is over. You know that no matter what, money will land in your bank account every month and you’ll never have to worry again.