Imagine a squeeze page that takes you 20 minutes to put together, including the lead magnet.
Imagine this page converts at something close to 71%.
Category: Internet Marketing
Can You Turn a 20 Minute Phone Call into $10,000?
If you have an interest in selling high ticket coaching, I urge you to spy on other marketers to see how they do it.
Often times it starts with a webpage or an email message asking you to respond for more details.
30 Minute Micro-Memberships with NO Product
You can add a super easy micro-recurring membership to your income in about 30 minutes, start to finish.
This assumes you already have some sort of product you’re selling as well as the ability to do a ‘bump’ upsell on the order form or create an upsell page.
Case Study: Super Simple Business Model for Content Creators
This will only work if you love to write emails and create products, or if you’re able to outsource email writing and product creative.
But this is so simple and clean, I thought it worth mentioning.
How to Add $500 in Profit to Any Promotion in Just 10 Minutes
The $500 figure is arbitrary. Depending on the size of the promotion, you could gain an extra $100 to $2000 or a whole lot more.
Here’s how it works