I just read an article over at Hubspot that touts the ‘10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint’ as created by Guy Kawasaki.
Category: Internet Marketing
Zombie Apocalypse
Over the last few years there has been a rise in survival courses and experiences tailored to “How to survive a zombie apocalypse”. Obviously no one is expecting a Resident Evil style zombie uprising, and in most cases we aren’t expecting a global pandemic resulting in citizens trying to eat each other’s brains.
How to Write Killer Bullets
If you mastered only ONE element of a sales letter, and you used nothing but that one element to sell, you could still be super successful if that element happens to be bullets.
15 Secrets of Persuasion to Help You Sell More Online
Persuasion is convincing someone to do something. Great persuasion is convincing them it’s their idea to do it.
The human brain can be influenced through its three systems of…primal (sex), emotions (empathy), rationalization (logic)
3 Go-To’s When You Run Out of Email Ideas
How many different ways can you write an email promoting your product? Or for that matter, promoting anything?
After a while it may seem like your emails to your lists are all sounding the same, and that’s probably because they are.