YouTube live streams are generally pretty good, but getting noticed in the live comment stream is tricky, especially when there are thousands or even hundreds of thousands watching or commenting.
Category: Internet Marketing
How to Turn Your Book into 13 Different Income Streams
A lot of authors consider their book to be their business card.
For example, when they go to a conference, they hand out their book in place of a business card.
And certainly a book is far more impressive than a card. After all, what do we do with business cards a few weeks (or days) after we get them?
Google replacing ‘Voice Search’ on Android with Google Assistant
Goodbye voice search, hello Google Assistant.
Less than Half of Google Searches Now Result in a Click
Ever get that feeling that your organic traffic isn’t moving? Or that your high ranking content doesn’t get the love it deserves?
You’re not alone.
Google Question Hub Might Change Your Content Game
According to Google, Question Hub “collects unanswered questions from users to identify content gaps online”.