Internet Marketing

How to Make Money Online with NO History or Reputation

This isn’t for everyone because frankly, it either takes work or money to get started.
But it is a great way to break into online marketing and start making money money, even if you have no list, no history online and no one knows you.
It’s not a new method by any means. It’s not glamorous or sophisticated. But it is a proven money maker.

Internet Marketing

Motivational Math

Sometimes we just need a little kick in the pants to get us moving in the right direction.
Do you have an email list yet? Have you even started to build one? And if so, are you actively increasing that list and emailing it on a very regular basis?

Internet Marketing

How to Instantly Reduce Your Customer Service Queries

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a $7 product or a $7,000 product – you’re going to get queries from customers asking you how to do something.
For example, if you’re in the make money online niche, people are going to ask you how to set up a website, or set up an autoresponder, or add a plugin to their site, or whatever.

Internet Marketing

Best Online Word Processors

If you don’t have a Word type of program installed on your computer, it’s no problem. Just use one of these online apps

Internet Marketing

Become a Software Mogul, No Experience Needed

I’ve seen fortunes made with this exact business model, yet most marketers are too scared to try it.
Here’s what you do:
Get an idea for a Wordpress plugin. You can either find a need and fill it, come up with a great idea on your own, or look at what’s available and figure out how to improve upon it.