The next time you want to reach for your credit card to buy that latest, greatest shiny object, take a second to ask yourself two questions: First, “Will this help my business?” Is this something that maybe sounds wonderful but
Category: Professional Success
Will You Author the NEW Think and Grow Rich?
“Think and Grow Rich” is a self-help book written by Napoleon Hill and published in 1937. It is one of the best-selling books of all time and has inspired millions of people to achieve success in their lives. In my
Are You Making These 12 Product Launch Mistakes?
Sooner or later, if you launch enough products, you’ll make some or even all of these mistakes. I know I have. It’s not the end of the world when it happens, but forewarned is forearmed. Keep this list handy for
10 Marketing Lessons from a World-Famous Con Man
Have you seen the 2002 movie, Catch Me If You Can? It starred Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, directed by Steven Spielberg and based on the cons of real life Frank Abagnale. Frank impersonated an airline copilot, was a phony
How to Eliminate Distracting Negative Thoughts
You sit down to work, but thoughts keep getting in the way. Maybe it’s something you saw on the news, or the guy who cut you off in traffic, or irritation you have at yourself for the stupid thing you did yesterday.