Internet Marketing

3 Tips for Selling More T-shirts

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T-shirts can be a great way to make extra money. Find a quote people love, design a super simple shirt with that quote, get it on Teespring and run a Facebook ad campaign. Yes, it’s just about that easy.

The key of course is to find the quote that people are willing to pay for. To do this, first pick a niche so that you know exactly who you are targeting. For example, I saw someone on FB targeting female military veterans.

Once you’ve got your niche, set up a Facebook fan page for that niche and find a quote that is getting a lot of shares and positive feedback on Pinterest or Facebook.

The t-shirt I saw for female veterans said simply: “Yes I am a Veteran. No I am not a guy.”


Tip #1: Don’t know what to put on a shirt? No problem, just ask. Let’s say you go to Pinterest and you search for quotes. Choose what you think are the most promising quotes and put them on shirts in Teespring.

Post images of the shirts on your Facebook fan page without the links and simply ask if people would wear them. If you don’t have fans yet, run Page Post Engagement (PPE) ads to reach your target audience. $5 might be all you need to drive enough engagement to any one shirt picture.

Once you’ve chosen a winner, then you make a new Facebook post with your Teespring link. Drive traffic with Facebook ads.

Tip #2: Whenever you post a new shirt on Facebook, make this your first line of text: “Tag your friends who also love it.” Follow this with your Teespring link and your sales copy and shirt picture.

Asking people to tag their friends will get you more views and more sales.

In the above example, who knows female veterans? Other female veterans, that’s who. It will only take you a second to do this and it can result in a lot more sales.

Tip #3: Continue to make shirts for your chosen target market rather than hopping from niche to niche.

Then every time you run a new campaign, go to the admin area of Teespring and send a message to everyone who has purchased from you in the past. Let them know about your latest shirt that will be only be available for a couple of days.

Send the message 3 days prior to ending the campaign to give them just enough time to see the email and order. This is a short message of about 2 or 3 lines of text, nothing fancy. You will get more orders doing this one simple thing each time you have a new campaign that is ending soon.

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