Internet Marketing

Pandemic Readers’ Unprecedented Demand

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What is it that readers are searching for like crazy right now?

Hint: It’s not toilet paper.

It’s not the latest novel or diet book, either.

According to National Geographic, demand for this right now is unlike anything they’ve seen before.

Upworthy has seen an unprecedented level of growth for this in the past four weeks, with 65% growth in followers on Instagram and 47% increase in on-site page views in March.

We are, of course, talking about good news.

Desire for uplifting stories and news has seen unprecedented levels.

At the end of March, actor John Krasinksi introduced his weekly show, “Some Good News” on YouTube and within a week had over 1.5 million subscribers and 25 million views.

The Washington Post and The New York Times have both increased their good news stories to meet unprecedented demand.

While a good movie or book can distract people from the pandemic, what people want more than distraction is a genuine sense of hopefulness. They want to see people coming together and helping each other, as well as any glimmer of positivity from what’s happening such as pollution levels decreasing.

Can you spread some good news among your readers? You might find it becomes the most popular section on your website and your most shared content on social media.

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