Well here we find ourselves in 2020. In optometry, 20/20 is the term they use to express the normal visual acuity (clarity and sharpness) measured at a distance of 20 feet. Basically, it means that at a distance of 20 feet you can see objects normally.
Your Guide To Start Making Money Online
7 Strategies to Begin Earning a Real Income Online in 30 Days
Has the pandemic temporarily canceled your job? Here are 7 ways to start building an online income that can be fairly impervious to pandemics, layoffs or anything else the future might throw at you.
Please note: The 30 day timeline is somewhat arbitrary. When done right, some of these can begin generating income is far less than 30 days. Some might take a little longer. And all will depend on your execution. As they say, your results may vary.
3.75 Methods to Fast Track Your Marketing Using OPC (Other People’s Credibility)
If you’re new to marketing and you have no following and no list, how can you get started?
Common advice is to gradually, over time, build yourself up to become an authority. You write a lot of articles and post them to your blog, you’re super active in social media, you make videos, and generally you slog away until finally people begin to notice you and buy from you.
Yeah. That’s a lot of fun.
Do These 5 Things and The World is Yours
These are 5 things your customers want from you.
These are also 5 things that your spouse wants from you…
Maybe The Super Successful Aren’t as Smart as We Think
Most people who achieve extraordinary success are not extraordinary themselves. We might think they are geniuses, but it turns out they are typically of average intelligence.
What makes the difference, then, if it’s not how smart they are?