There are two things to do today, one of which is easy, and one might take more time, depending on your experience.
Your Guide To Start Making Money Online
How to Setup a 52 Week Membership Site in 7 Days – Day 4
Write your own introduction and conclusion for each lesson.
The introductions should whet your member’s appetite for the content to follow. The conclusions should get them anticipating what’s to come in the next lesson.
How to Setup a 52 Week Membership Site in 7 Days – Day 3
Create bonuses. You can create these out of the PLR you already have or purchase additional PLR.
How to Setup a 52 Week Membership Site in 7 Days – Day 2
You now have your PLR content and a good idea of how long your course will run. Today you’re going to break your content up into the appropriate number of lessons, placing those lessons in the correct order.
How to Setup a 52 Week Membership Site in 7 Days – Day 1
Membership sites are AWESOME because you make a sale once and get paid over and over again.
Membership sites suck because you have to create a never-ending stream of content.