Growing Your Business

Through The Door Or The Window

I’m sure we’ve all heard that quote “when life closes a door, it opens a window”. It’s such an old and often quoted (and misquoted) phrase that I cannot even find the original author of this bit of wisdom.

Internet Marketing

Cliché Finder

Sometimes when you’re having more fun than a barrel of monkeys writing your latest blogpost, you wind up using too many cliché’s.

Instant Startups

Should You Fake it ‘till You Make It?

I was on the Warrior Forum the other day, looking at a thread started by someone who needed advice.
It seems they wanted to know how to make their first $1,000 online.
Good question, right? A lot of people want to know that, and there are plenty of marketers out there willing to give advice on how to do it – marketers who have already DONE it, by the way.