It’s not enough to have a great product or service – you need that product or service to be memorable and stand out in the prospect’s mind when it comes time to buy.
Your Guide To Start Making Money Online
Where the Money is Hidden
They used to say, “The money is in the list.” And that’s still true. But perhaps the REAL money these days is hidden someplace else. Somewhere you might not be looking…
Case Study: $16,500 a Month Retargeting to Different Niches
If you have a good product that can be repurposed or retargeted to different niches, then you can do this.
Double Your Affiliate Commissions with Congruence
If you’re expecting to see Niagara Falls around the next turn of the road, but instead you see the Grand Canyon, how do you react?
Dark and Dangerous Upselling
If you’re in the right sort of niche – such as make money online, investing, selling and others – there is probably a lot of information you don’t actually share with your customers.
For example, let’s say you’re creating a product on how to create and market website plugins. It could be a book, video course or whatever.