If you follow the trends, you can make a fortune.
Your Guide To Start Making Money Online
Sell the Ideal and People will Buy
Have you noticed that a rather large percentage of your customers don’t actually USE your products?
You’re selling a viable product that guides your customers to a specific outcome, such as making money or losing weight.
And some of your customer buy just about every product you produce. But… they don’t use your products…
Why You Should Offer Your Customers Real Books
Sure, you offer courses and ebooks. But do you remember those divine devices filled with printed paper and cool looking covers? People still read real books, and it’s a good thing, too.
Can You Do It?
Robert Kiyosaki says, “A statement closes the mind, a question opens the mind.”
Statements such as…
“I can’t afford it. I can’t do it. I don’t know how to do it.”
…will close your mind and keep you exactly where you are.
How To Become A Digital Minimalist
Podcast: How and why many of us have developed an unhealthy relationship with our digital behaviors, and how we can learn to put down our phones and engage in more meaningful leisure activities in real life.