
Earn $2870 to Fix a Plugin?

I know a guy who recently bought a WordPress plugin for $47, which included resale and rebranding rights.
But when he tried to use the plugin, it didn’t work right.
Plus, it was missing features that he wanted for his website.

Internet Marketing

Who Are You Wearing Today?

Okay, this doesn’t have a lot to do with internet marketing, and yet it’s got EVERYTHING to do with becoming whatever it is that you want to be…
…including a million dollar a year marketer.

Email Marketing

Know the Law Regarding Email

The FTC rigorously enforces laws email compliance. Make sure that your strategy is aligned with the CAN-SPAM Act so that you’re not exposed to potential lawsuits.
Here are the rules that businesses must follow:

Instant Start Ups

Silly Side Business for Fun and Profit

The problem with most business is that it’s work.
You HAVE to do stuff you don’t want to do.
It’s part of the process, and you learn to get over it. And when you’re done working, THEN you can go enjoy yourself, right?