Internet Marketing

Selling Your Soul for $10

I want to talk about a ‘touchy’ subject right now.
My aim isn’t to offend anyone, and I hope I don’t. But I do feel I need to go where others fear to tread, you might say, in the hopes of helping you skirt some problems that I see in our industry.

Growing Your Business

Master Up Selling and Cross Selling to Increase Sales

When you’re building your sales funnel, don’t forget to include an upsell or cross sell or two.
An upsell is simply an option to buy a bigger, better version of what you’re selling. For example, you might offer two versions of software, one of which does more than the other.

Internet Marketing

How School Ruins Your Business

Whether you spent 12 or 16 years or more in school, I’d like to make a radical suggestion:
Forget your schooling.
Frankly, I wanted to use a different “F” word than “Forget.”
Here’s why: