Internet Marketing

How to Turn Old Magazines Into Valuable New Content

There’s a lady in the UK who says she is earning 8,000 pounds per month thanks to reading old magazines.
She goes to jumble sales and buys up all the old magazines she can find, the older the better.

Internet Marketing

111 Power Headline Words to Double Clicks

Imagine if there were ‘magic’ words you could use in your headlines to get people to eagerly devour your articles and email.
The fact is there are some words that work really well at forcing scanning eyes to stay on a headline and read the whole thing.

Internet Marketing

The Bedtime Skill that Earns Billion$

Once upon a time…
…there was a young online marketer who was about to lose everything.
He had the best products, the prettiest website and plenty of research telling customers why his products worked wonders.

Internet Marketing

10 Websites to Generate Endless Content Ideas

If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for new content ideas. And if you’re also like me, you don’t always have the time to come up with those ideas yourself.
That’s why I’ve put together a list of 7 websites that will help you generate endless content ideas and save you hundreds of hours in the process.