7.7 Steps to Creating Your First Information Product

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Creating an information product can be a great way to share your expertise, build your brand and generate income.

In this guide, I will walk you through the key steps to creating your first informational product. Take note that steps 1 though 6 can be done in a single weekend if you stay focused.

Step 1: Identify Your Topic and Audience

The first step in creating an informational product is to identify your topic and audience. What subject do you know well? Who is your target audience? These two elements go hand in hand. You may know a great deal about underwater basket weaving, but is there an audience?

Conversely, if your topic is weight loss, then your target audience is going to determine what your product looks like. For example, weight loss for women in their 20’s is different than weight loss for men over 50.

Another point to consider is what additional products can you make in the future for this particular audience? In the example above, if you are in your 20’s then it might be a good idea to focus on a customer base of your own age, since you know first-hand what it’s like to be this age and what products they want to purchase.

Writing about men in their 50’s is going to be difficult when you’re only 22 since you have no personal experience of being this age – at least not in this lifetime. And once you choose your target audience, it’s good if you can stay with that audience for a long time to come, creating more and more products targeted directly to them.

Step 2: Choose Your Format

There are many different formats you can choose from when creating an informational product. Some popular options include e-books, online courses, video tutorials, webinars, and podcasts. Consider your topic, audience, and personal preferences when choosing the format for your product.

You might even create your product in multiple formats, such as video and written, to appeal to a wider base or even to use as upsells. For example, the written course is $47, but for an additional $20 they can have the video version as well.

Step 3: Plan Your Content

Once you have chosen your format, it’s time to plan your content. Determine the scope of your product and create an outline that includes all of the key topics you want to cover.

Break your content down into manageable sections and create subheadings for each section. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all of the necessary information.

Odds are you will miss something important when creating your content, and that’s okay because perfection isn’t needed if you’re willing to update. I remember years ago creating an ebook that detailed a system people were using to make money with real estate agents. Somehow I forgot to include a section on how to bill and take payments, since it seemed so basic to me. Once I’d gotten my tenth question about this, I realized I needed to add another chapter to my product covering this topic.

Once you begin to make sales, watch to see what questions come up time and time again, and then add this additional content to your product. It can even be a selling point because now you’re offering the newly updated 2.0 version of the product. And be sure to send it to all previous buyers for free.

Step 4: Create Your Content

Now that you have your plan in place, it’s time to start creating your content. Depending on the format you chose, this could involve writing, recording, or filming. Make sure to stay focused on your outline and cover all of the key topics you identified in Step 3.

If you’re using AI to help create your content, be sure to rewrite it into your own voice, as well as adding personal anecdotes and stories, insights and observations, your own opinions as well as opinions and quotes from experts.

While AI can provide assistance in creating your product, think of it as a tool to get you started rather than a full-blown solution. If your information product consists only of what someone could have found for themselves in a 5 minute Google search, you may suffer the consequences of dissatisfied customers, refunds, poor reviews and no one to purchase your next product.

Step 5: Edit and Refine Your Content

Once you have created your content, it’s important to edit and refine it. This involves reviewing your work for errors, making any necessary changes, and ensuring that your content is clear, concise, and engaging.

If your content is written, then consider enlisting the help of a professional editor or proofreader to help you refine your content. If your content is audio or video, consider hiring an audio or video editor to remove the dead air as well as the ‘um’s’ and ‘ah’s. Have them tighten your recording into something that looks and sounds professional.

Step 6: Name, Design, Brand and Deliver Your Product

Design and branding are important elements of any informational product. Choose a catchy name and a visually appealing design that is consistent with your brand, and make sure to include your logo and other branding elements throughout your product. This will help you establish your brand and make your product more memorable.

Choose your delivery method. This could involve hosting your product on a website, using a third-party platform, or sending it directly to your customers. Consider the pros and cons of each delivery method and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Step 7: Launch Your Product

With your product complete and your delivery method chosen, it’s time to launch your product. Consider creating a marketing plan that includes social media promotion, email marketing, and other strategies to help you reach your target audience.

Be sure to include a clear call to action that encourages people to purchase your product. Recruit affiliates to bring in even more sales. If you can show a consistently high conversion rate, affiliates will be interested.

Step 7.7: Monitor Your Results

Once your product is launched, it’s important to monitor your results. Keep track of your sales, customer feedback, and other metrics to determine how well your product is performing. Use this information to make any necessary changes and continue to refine your product over time.

Creating your first informational product is definitely a learning experience and it can be a rewarding and profitable experience, too. By following these key steps, you can develop a high-quality product that shares your expertise and establishes your brand in the marketplace.

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